Views: 197

Message from the Chairman: Mike Bosazza

The terrible spectre of Covid seems to be waning and life appears to be returning to
“normal”. Tours of Simon’s Town, visits to Jubilee Square and the views over
Simon’s Bay are all wonderful sights. We may be approaching autumn but there is a
feeling of spring in the air.

The navy is about to celebrate and honour its 100-year history and there is so much
to acknowledge and admire. Two publications will be available very soon and there
will be events to recognise this milestone. (Can there be a naval milestone?)
There are also many other publications which record our naval heritage and this
newsletter and our website give you details of what to expect and what you can find
on the subject. The Navy Museum is an immense source of information and
entertainment and there will be a special display on the 100 years.

Now that we can get out of our lockdown, there are opportunities to celebrate this
fine naval history. I hope you do.

Mike Bosazza

Books in the pipeline

Day by Day is having a complete update covering the period 1488 – 2021. This book is progressing and for publishing mid-year. Glen Knox is processing this book.

The Navy Band by Kenny Leibrandt. This book has unfortunately slowed down due to lockdown.

My War – 1939 to 1945 by Lt J N Barfield. Is being put together by Mac Bisset.

SATS General Botha WWII War Records, is being processed by Mac Bisset and Capt Nicholas in preparation of their Centenary celebration in 2022

Ton Class Minesweepers by Bill Rice. The book is now completed and in the final stages of editing and formatting and is due for published mid-2022.

Honour and Duty stories from the SATS General Botha by Ian Manning is nearing completion for publication in mid-2022

SA Marines – this book is on hold until a suitable author for the project is found.

History of the Strike Craft. Being complied by Chris Myers in consultation with many others. This project is just getting underway and will be on the go for at least 2 years

Navy 100 to celebrate the SA Navy 100 in 2022. Both books are now complete and are due to be published by 1 April 2022. The books have been written by Prof Andre Wessels and R Adm Allan Du Toit.

The Prof Wessels book is called 

The South African Navy and its predecessors

1922 – 2022
André Wessels

“The author builds on an impressive body of work that has spanned decades of research on the topic. This is now brought together in a seminal compendium to the history of our Navy. This book provides a most timeous, comprehensive and up to date history of the South African Navy and its predecessors.” – Cdr Leon Steyn, Officer-in Charge, SA Naval Museum, Simon’s Town

“While there are several books on the history of the South African Navy, this book brings them into perspective and gives an overall picture of the Navy and its development over the 100 years of its existence. What is of particular importance is the coverage of the naval diplomatic role, covering a  lot more of this field than any other book.”

 – Rear- Adm (JG) Arnè Söderlund SAN (Ret)

This book will be on sale to Naval Heritage Society members at R280 + postage

R Adm Allan du Toit: Naval Digest 33 is called “A Navy for the Nation – The Fledgling SA Naval Service”

This Digest will posted to all paid up Naval Heritage Society members in the first week of April. The Digest can also be picked up from the NHT office on Mondays and Thursdays

Naval Digests in the pipeline

The proposed digests below are in no particular order and will be published as and when ready:

Projects Pullen and White Dove, Drakensberg and Outeniqua visits to the Congo – Arne Soderlund

Voyage to the Ice – SAS Outeniqua by Arne Soderlund, this Digest is complete however Heritage is awaiting approval from the original author, as her notes were used to compile the Digest.  

SAS Protea This Digest is being compiled by Cdr Leon Steyn from the SA Naval Museum. This project is just starting up and it is hoped to be completed by the time SAS Protea decommissions.

The Ship. The first section of text is complete with the sketches by Theo Honiball. The second and third sections are nearing completion with this Digest is due for publication in April 2022.

 Naval Heritage and Naval Museum working together.

Naval Heritage and the Naval Museum continue to build on strengthening bonds with the NHT Trustees and committee meeting in the Naval Museum each month.  The NHT is once again being used to fund projects and show cases in the Museum.

NHT Office

The NHT office is situated in Court Road Simon`s Town below the Simon’s Town Museum and next to the Snookie Shellhole. The office is open for members to visit on Mondays and Thursdays between 0930 and 1200. If you in the area you are most welcome to pop in for a cup of tea or coffee. You will then be able to view the Heritage collection of books, paintings and Oral Histories in the Office. Please bring along your own mask. The office is run by Les Gale and he is happy to welcome all visitors

Tim Johnson Prints

The Trust has acquired a few sets of the Tim Johnson naval vessel prints which are available for purchase by the Society members. There are two packs,

The first being the collection of 6 vessels, Drakensberg, Outeniqua, Strike Craft, Protea, A River class Hunter and a submarine. This set of 5 prints sells for R450.

The second set is of 4 prints depicting the 4 Valour class frigates. This set sells for R300.

Each set is sold complete and cannot be split up for single prints. These print sets can be obtained from Glen Knox or by visiting the NHT Office.

Set 1 depicting Drakensberg, Outeniqua, Strike Craft, Protea, A River class Hunter and a submarine.
Set 2 depicting the 4 Valour Class Frigates

NHT Library of Collected Books

The Trust continues to build its library of Nautical Books and magazines. The books collection is now over 550 books. These are available to members for reading at the NHT Office.  The full list of all the books is available on request. A request to all members when clearing out, please remember the Trust.  We are always on the lookout for Nautical themed books and in particular those with a South African theme.

There are a few duplicates in the book collection and these books are available to members for purchase. List on request

These books can be purchased through Glen Knox. The cost of postage will need to be added, unless picked up from the NHT Office in Simon`s Town or hand delivered within the Cape Town area. His contact details are

Oral History Program

The Trusts Oral History program has continued even through the Lockdown with numerous proof readings continuing and even members writing their own Oral Histories.  There are now 246 completed Oral Histories in our archives. Heritage Society members are welcome to visit the office and read any of the Oral Histories on file. Since we started adding photos to each document they have become even more interesting.

During last years Lockdown the team has not been able to conduct many one-on-one recordings. We have however been able to follow up on the outstanding recordings and also complete numerous Mini Oral Histories with the info being obtained from family members, old Navy News articles and other documents.  During 2021, 44 new Oral Histories were completed

Only one full Oral History has been completed this year. Capt Kevin Packer took on to write his own and have it printed professionally. It is a magnificent effort and is a credit to him and his fine recollection of his Naval Career

Those still outstanding and busy with proof reading and additions, include:

Cdr Tim Johnson, WO1 Roy Marks, Lt Cdr van Blerck (Being completed by his son Johann) Capt Preston Barnard and CPO Johnny Walker

It is request that those still proof reading and adding comments and photos to have their documents completed soonest and returned to Glen Knox at

Own writing has also caught on with Hanlu van der Poel, Gerrit Rademeyer, Rob Shelly, Nigel Peddie, Johan Swiegers and Chris Dooner who are all busy with their own writing projects.  A third party is attempting to complete the late Tony Randal`s Oral History

Although Lockdown is still strictly enforced in some areas we would really like to get the program running at full speed once again. The list of possible new recordings is now over 140 with more and more retirements taking place. We would encourage Society members to start writing their own Oral Histories, an hour or two each week is all it takes. However, if you would prefer a recording to be conducted as part of this Heritage project please get in contact with Glen Knox on his e mail  

or through WhatsApp on 084 686 1384


New members to the NHT Society are warmly welcomed and we trust you will all enjoy the publications produced and interacting with the Trust and Society members

The new members for January and February 2022 are VAdm Loedolff, Capt Jacques Breedt, Grant Jameson, Cdr Manny Jardine and Capt Bill Rice

We would like to encourage all Society members to look at their own friends and other retired Naval and Defence personnel who are not yet members and if they are interested in SA Naval Heritage to please get them to join up with the NH Society. The Application form is on the SA Naval Heritage fb site also on our new web page.

The paid-up membership for the Naval Heritage Society now stands at 220. This number has remained the same over the past few months as there have unfortunately been deaths amongst the members. Other members who do not respond to emails and are non-paying for two years are removed from the data base.

12 Naval Digest 32 were returned with address unknown. This was a waste of R125.40 in post fees.  The returned ND will only be reposted if a confirmed new address is supplied.

If you are moving home or changing your email addresses please update your new addresses with Andre Wessels. Confirmation of your E Mail, postal address and cell numbers may be sent to the membership secretary at

Naval Heritage Website

The Naval Heritage web page is looking very good and is being maintained by the Web Master Nicholas Dunn.

We encourage all our Society members to log on and see the additional items on display. The link for the site is  

Typing in SA Naval Heritage Trust will also link you to the page.

Additional Books and Naval Digests can also be ordered through the web site.

Where can you purchase Naval Heritage books and Digests?

All our published Naval Digests and books are available at the NHT Office or through the Naval Heritage web page. Remember paid up members get a big discount on all purchases.

Other stockists include Inkosi Africa gift and souvenir shop in Simon`s Town. The Bookworm Fantasy, Main Road Somerset West, Select Books Kenilworth, Clarks Books Long Street Cape Town. These shops only hold a selection of the inventory and sell the publications at the full price.

Special deals on Naval Digests

The Trust has one full set of the Naval Digests number 1 to 31 available to members at just R500. Normal price R1550. Postage of R99 with POSTNET will need to be added in unless collected in person from the NHT office Simon’s Town or in Muizenberg.

 Naval Digest numbers 1-31 at R500 a set

To celebrate the Navy 100, NHT will make an additional 5 sets available during April 2022 at R500 for the set of Naval Digest`s 1-31. To obtain this bargain contact Glen Knox

SA Naval Heritage Society Facebook site

This site continues to grow each month and has become extremely popular with 6655 members having joined the site by 5 March 2022. There have been many positive interactions on the site which have highlighted new and interesting items on the SAN.  The daily Shipwreck Heritage Report is also included, this makes for fascinating reading each day.

Are you a member of this Facebook site yet?  If not click on it and join in the daily discussions.

Naval Heritage Yearly Subs

Naval Heritage Subs continue to be slow in coming in even with Andre Wessels our Membership Sec sending out an email when your subs are due. To all those who have submitted their subs, Many Thanks, these subs ensure we can get at least two Naval Digests out to you all each year. This year we are aiming for three ND`s

Please ensure you do not fall behind in your subs. The yearly cost is still R150 and will not be increased this year even though the cost of publications and postage has put a strain on the available funds.

Naval Heritage Trust Banking details

Naval Heritage Trust Standard Bank Fish Hoek code 036 009

Account number 072 102 276

Assegaai Submarine Project

SUBMARINE MUSEUM NEWS: 02 FEB 22 Released by R Adm (Ret) Hanno Teuteberg, Chairman ASSEGAAI Submarine Museum Sub- Committee

  1. The team managing the project to realise our vision of a submarine museum has had some encouraging result during the past 3 months.
  1. It had become apparent that the selected position for a preserved SAS Assegaai could not be achieved due to its associated costs (between RM24 and RM 36). In addition, the selected position on the Western side of the Simon’s Town jetty would require an extensive Environmental Impact Study further adding to the costs and time scales.
  1. The team then returned to the navy with one of the original proposals whereby the submarine would be preserved and moved to a position in a newly established SA Navy Museum annex situated on the Western edge of the Cole Point parking area (entrance next to NSRI Station 10). In addition, the submarine would remain under the ownership of the SA Navy Museum but restored and managed by a combined team of the NHT and STADCO (Ownership as per the original Ministerial Authority). This proposal was approved by both Chief of the Navy and Chief Logistics by the end of January 2022; much to the relief of the team. A Memorandum of Agreement detailing this arrangement is expected to be approved by all parties within the next weeks.
  1. The next step would be to raise the funds required to achieve our objective. Previous studies and quotes indicate that the restoration would amount to about RM4 whilst the preparation, move and installation in position would cost between RM2,5 and RM3,5. The plan is to raise these funds by means of sponsorship and crowd funding. Early indications are that this is achievable, but we will need all the help and advice we can get from our supporters.